A critical element of any sound Plan B is establishing a second residency abroad.
Acquiring a second citizenship is an even more ironclad solution, but a second residency also grants an “escape hatch” that is seamless and immediate.
After all, in times of crisis, when people wish to migrate en masse, governments can and do lock down their borders… except to bona fide residents and citizens.
This was a BIG deal during the pandemic, for example. Many countries around the world had shut their borders down to tourists, and allowed in citizens or legal residents only (including Golden Visa holders).
And just as with second citizenships, there exist a number of paths to gain a second residency.
You could move to another country and start your new life there. Or you could explore your family tree and see if some of your ancestors came from a country offering a Citizenship by Ancestry program.
However, if you are not part of a “Lucky Bloodline Club” and don't want to uproot your entire life by moving overseas just yet, you do have another solution — a Golden Visa.
Due to their market share and popularity, we focus on the programs located in Europe.
These visas are called “Golden” for a reason. You bring them “gold” — usually in the form of an investment in local real estate — and they give you a “visa” — a residency permit allowing you to live in their country full time.
The largest benefit of a Golden Visa is that the countries issuing them do not require applicants to spend significant amounts of time on the ground each year. Usually, a short visit once a year is enough, and sometimes there are no physical presence requirements at all.
This is usually not possible with “normal” residency permits in Europe. With regular permits, you typically have to spend at least six months per year in a country to be able to renew it.
In today’s Black Paper, we examine the Golden Visa route in detail.
(A note about Black Papers: At Sovereign Man, we stay vigilant about threats to your freedom. In our Alerts and Monthly Letters, we strive to deliver the most timely and relevant information. But our Black Papers add even more layers of analysis and complexity. That’s why they tend to be longer.)
A critical element of any sound Plan B is establishing a second residency abroad. Acquiring a second citizenship is an even more ironclad solution, but a second residency also grants an “escape hatch” that is seamless and immediate. After all, in times of crisis, when people wish to migrate en masse, governments can and do…